• The California Healthy Youth Act requires that comprehensive sexual health education and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention education be taught to students at least once in middle school and once in high school, beginning no later than grade seven. Instruction and materials must be medically accurate, objective, ageā€appropriate and inclusive of all students, as defined by law. The law requires that instruction and materials must encourage students to communicate with parents, guardians or other trusted adults about human sexuality.

    The purpose of this instruction is to:

    • Provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect their sexual and reproductive health from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections and from unintended pregnancy.
    • Provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to develop healthy attitudes concerning adolescent growth and development, body image, gender, sexual orientation, relationships, marriage, and family.
    • Promote understanding of sexuality as a normal part of human development.
    • Ensure students receive integrated, comprehensive, accurate, and unbiased sexual health and HIV prevention instruction and provide educators with clear tools and guidance to accomplish that end.
    • Provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to have healthy, positive, and safe relationships and behaviors.

    Thermalito Union Elementary School District uses Positive Prevention Plus materials developed by the American Red Cross and the Department of Education.  The curriculum consists of the following 13 lessons:

    Lesson 1:  Understanding Change
    Lesson 2:  Exploring Friendships
    Lesson 3:  Bullying and Abuse
    Lesson 4:  Human Trafficking
    Lesson 5:  Preventing and Unplanned Pregnancy
    Lesson 6:  Teen Pregnancy:  Choices and Responsibilities
    Lesson 7:  Myths and Stereotypes about HIV Infection
    Lesson 8:  The HIV/AIDS Epidemic
    Lesson 9:  Preventing Sexually Transmitted Infections
    Lesson 10:  Recognizing and Reducing Risk
    Lesson 11:  Peer and Media Pressure
    Lesson 12:  HIV/STD Testing and Community Resources
    Lesson 13:  Goal Setting

    All instructional materials are available for review in the Nelson Avenue Middle School Library for inspection by parent/guardian.  We invite you to review these at any time that is convenient for you.  You may also request a copy of the California Healthy Youth Act (California Education Code sections 51930–51939). 

    This instruction, typically will begin in spring (parents will be notified before the instruction starts) and will be thought by Thermalito Union Elementary School District staff, including our School Nurse, who is a Registered Nurse and Public Health Nurse and our School Counselor. 

    Parents will also be notified of a Parent Information Night before the instruction begins where they can ask questions and preview the instructional materials.  

    Parents have the right to opt out of their student(s) receiving this instruction.