• Welcome to the Transportation Department

     School Bus

    The safety of students and staff is a primary goal of the District, therefore, all school buses will comply with applicable laws, regulations and inspection requirements.  All school bus drivers will meet both state and school district standards to qualify as bus drivers.  All students will conduct themselves in a cooperative manner.  Any student who does nto conduct himself/herself appropriately will be subject to disciplinary action.
    The District operates transportation services as safely, efficiently and economically as possible.
  • Contact Us

    The Transportation Department is located at 1123 Sierra Avenue, Oroville, CA 95965.

    Phone: (530) 538-2960  FAX: (530) 538-2969

    Andrew Koster, Director Of Maintenance Operations and Transportation (akoster@thermalito.org)

    James Lopez, Assistant Director of Maintenance Operations and Transportation (jlopez@thermalito.org)

    Cheng Vang, Maintenance Operations and Transportation Assistant (cvang@thermalito.org)